I found an island in your arms
a country in your eyes
a country in your eyes
I wrote him a three-page letter and biked out to the beach on a hot autumn day. The air was thick and there were curious crows strutting on the rocky shore. I read that letter out loud in a small, muffled voice - though I wasn't sad. There was a lump in my throat: a pearl that I've been harvesting for the past five years. I tore up that letter into dozens of pieces, thin rectangles and squares stained with my inky-black words. I buried that letter in the sandy grit under layers of grey and crunchy seaweed. I thought about him. I thought about that letter and held a speckled rock. I threw that rock into the ocean and turned my back as the ripples were gently hushed by the incoming tide.
J'étais sur la rive droite d'une rivière où se trouvait une maison—et je voyais ma femme sur l'autre rive, avec son vélo bleu, habillée de couleurs gaies, et me faisant un sourire et un au revoir adorables. Elle allait vers le soleil; moi je partais de l'autre côté, vers la pluie et le vent… (Gwenaëlle Aubry, Personne, p. 108, ed. Mercure de France)